Friday, October 23, 2009

SRP to Celebrate 18th Anniversary of Paris Peace Accords

October 22, 2009


Tomorrow, October 23, 2009, the Sam Rainsy Party will organize a ceremony to celebrate the 18th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Peace Accords on Cambodia.

SRP National Assembly members will skip the ongoing parliamentary debate on the Adoption Law. Along with many peace-and-freedom-loving people they will attend a ceremony to be held at the SRP headquarters from 09:00 am to 11:00 am and receive blessings from 18 Buddhist monks.

November 9 (Independence Day) and October 23 are the only two Days that reflect and symbolize national unity, leading to peace and national reconciliation, opening a new and hopeful chapter in Cambodia's history: They are the only two Days all Cambodians can be proud of and should happily celebrate.

April 17, 1975 and January 9, 1979 were two events that reflected a bloody victory of Khmers over Khmers, leading to massacres or civil war and/or the loss of national independence and sovereignty following the country's invasion by a foreign occupying force.

SRP Cabinet

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