Friday, October 23, 2009

Demonstration in support of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements on Cambodia

Demonstration in support of the 18th Anniversary of the October 1991 Paris Peace Agreements on Cambodia

Dear Compatriots and Friends,

At its onset, the 23 October 1991 Paris Peace Agreements on Cambodia raised tremendous hope among the Khmer people in finding peace, independence and territorial integrity for their country. However, in reality, the situation worsened since 1993: these agreements were deliberately violated by the dictatorial power in the Cambodian government and by the expansionist aims of neighboring countries.

The ad hoc Committee, composed of association representatives from the Cambodia Borders Committee (CBC), SRP-France, HRP-France, Cambodian Human and Citizen Rights League (LCDHC) and other Khmer community associations in France, are pleased to invite you to come and join us in the following demonstrations held to commemorate these invaluable Agreements:

1- Saturday, October 24, 2009, starting at 9:30AM, Wat Bodhivansa Pagoda (101 Blvd. de la République, 77420 Champs-sur-Marne): Religious celebration to pay respect and to acknowledge the memory of Khmer Patriots who fought for the liberation of Cambodia.

Program: Meal offering for the monks, Lunch for the participants, Speech recalling the circumstances and the conditions for the signing of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements, Sermons by the monks.

2- Sunday, October 25, 2009, starting from 2PM, at the Esplanade of Human Rights (Place Trocadero, Paris): Demonstration for a scrupulous application of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements by Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and other signatory countries to these agreements.

Please join us in large number!

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