Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lawless government and Thailand encroachment lie in the same margin

The current arresting of journalist Hang Chakra, and trial in absentia of Ho Van and Meoung Song with the strong charges, as well as the distorting of lawyer to defend Mu Sochua are the same tragedy like the Khmer Rouge and the pain like border encroachment of Thailand.

Impressive eloquence, but on behalf of one of the important leaders in the ministry of defense, Khaou Vireth has his shortcomings of not paving any concrete ideas and feasible backups to the issue of border conflict with Thailand.

I am praising with high class language, but I am disappointed with the lack of feasible strategy to implementing it. This writing compares like the bubbles of the ocean waves.

I suggest H.E.Kaou Vireth has to point out concrete solutions and reliable backups to defend the Cambodian territory land and face with Thailand intelligently.

More than this, the issue of conflict with Thailand is somehow should be in a balanced concern with Vietnam.

More than this, the issue with Thailand is dangerous as the same issue of domestic violation of national constitution, the over-control on the judiciary and assembly branch and the instilling fear inside Cambodian society by the current government led by Hun Sen.

Thailand is encroaching Cambodian border in the same time that Hun Sen and his cabinets are encroaching the national constitution by not complying with the rule of laws. They have relentlessly influenced the judiciary and the assembly institutions.

The current arresting of journalist Hang Chakra, and trial in absentia of Ho Van and Meoung Song with the strong charges, as well as the distorting of lawyer to defend Mu Sochua are the same tragedy like the Khmer Rouge and the pain like border encroachment of Thailand.

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