Fame and success does not guarantee the life of a musician is going smooth. Some of them have to much of a stretch of life dependent on illicit drugs, alcohol and suicide. The news is the news of the death of a young talented singer, Amy Winehouse, who died of consumption of alcohol and illicit drugs.
The departure of Amy Winehouse callback on a number of other young talented musicians, who died at the age of 27. Quoted from the page, there are at least five young Rian musicians of the world who died at the age of like Amy Winehouse. They are classified in a group known as the 27 Club.
1 Kurt Cobain
This alleged band suicide of Nirvana vocalist Dead committed after the firing of a firearm in his own Chin are comely. The death of the singer who is already familiar with illegal drugs since the age of 13 which leaves a deep sorrow for the fans of the group with the success of the song "smells like teen Spirit".
2 Jimi Hendrix
Electric guitarist of guitarist and singer James Marshall, United States, "jimi Hendrix" is regarded as the best in the history of music. Unfortunately, his talents were soon can be seen. He died on September 18, 1970. So far, the cause of the death of junction Hendrix still flooded. Some call for a drug overdose, suicide.
3 Janis Lyn Joplin
Janis Joplin Lyn () is an American singer popular in the 1960s. Rolling Stone has developed of birth of the artist, on 19 January 1943, in the list of the 100 artists bepengaruh most of all time. However, the singers have been promoted as the Queen of rock must die at the age of 27 due to an overdose of heroin.
4 Jim Morrison
The singer of The Doors died in Paris on July 3, 1971. Morrison was found lifeless in a State in the bathtub. So far, the cause of its simpang still death flooded, because no autopsy on his body was never made. However, some call Morrison died of a heart attack.
5 Brian Jones
Brian Jones was one of the founders of the band, the Rolling Stones. At midnight, between 2 and 3 July 1969, Jones was discovered motionless at the bottom of the pool at Cotchford farm. Cummer Jones, Anna Wohlin, believed still alive in the pool bottom lifting. However, the doctor said, birth of the singer, February 28, 1942 he died. He died of liver and heart suffer swelling because of drug and alcohol abuse.
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