National Award winning actor Prakashraj has appeared in almost all types of roles. Now, for the first time in his career, he will play a terrorist leader in popular Tamil-Telugu filmmaker Radha Mohan's Tamil-Telugu bilingual action entertainer Payanam produced by Dil Raju (Telugu version) and Prakashraj (Tamil version).
Telugu action hero Nagarjuna plays a police officer in this flick which is his first direct Tamil film after almost 14 years. He was last seen in Tamil in Ratchagan (1997).
Talking about the film, Radha Mohan said its second schedule is currently on at the studio of actor Venkatesh in Hyderabad. The first schedule was completed in Kulu Manali. The third schedule will begin on April 10 at Ramoji Rao Film City.
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Telugu action hero Nagarjuna plays a police officer in this flick which is his first direct Tamil film after almost 14 years. He was last seen in Tamil in Ratchagan (1997).
Talking about the film, Radha Mohan said its second schedule is currently on at the studio of actor Venkatesh in Hyderabad. The first schedule was completed in Kulu Manali. The third schedule will begin on April 10 at Ramoji Rao Film City.
Tags: prakashraj movies, prakashraj new films, prakashraj upcoming projects, prakashraj events, prakashraj new photos, prakashraj wedding, prakashraj loves swarnamalya, prakashraj wedding with actress, prakashraj new projects, prakashraj latest stills, prakashraj images, prakashraj photo gallery, prakashraj album, prakashraj family, prakashraj wife, prakashraj national award winning film, prakash raj new film payanam, payanam movie gallery, payanam online, payanam film news, tamil movie payanam, payanam stills, payanam movie posters, payanam movie wallpapers, payanam cast and crew, payanam story
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