Friday, October 2, 2009

Typhoon Ketsana: Cambodia

2 October 2009

Typhoon Ketsana hit Cambodia on 29 September, causing widespread damage.

(Post by CAAI News Media)

The situation

At least 15 people have been reported dead and about 10,000 families are in need of urgent humanitarian aid in the aftermath of Typhoon Ketsana.

More than 30,000 hectares of rice crops are flooded and over 2,000 homes destroyed. Thousands of families are displaced and their livelihoods are badly affected.
The flood waters also took away many cattle, destroyed roads and other social infrastructure. The situation could be worse if other provinces are affected and humanitarian assistance is not delivered on time.
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Oxfam is there

We have sent in our relief teams to the four hard-hit areas: Kampong Thom, Preah Vihear, Stueng Treng and Kratie. Working closely with the government and other relief agencies, we have carried out an initial assessment of needs and have started distributing supplies.
Our planned £96,933 aid package is helping support families worst affected with basic essentials such as shelter, water, hygiene kits and mosquito nets.
Oxfam is also making additional purchases and coordinating to mobilise resources from other humanitarian agencies to help reach as many victims, and as quickly, as possible.
Flood levels continue to rise and more families are displaced. All humanitarian agencies should coordinate and act now to deliver food, clean water, sanitation and shelter to flood victims.
Francis Perez, Country Lead of Oxfam International in Cambodia
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