Sunday, October 4, 2009

CPP MPs muzzled the mention of freedom of expression on the Nat Assembly floor: Are they afraid to confront the truth?

CPP Nguon Nhel (L) and CPP Cheam Yeap (R)

CPP MPs’ reaction to the issue of freedom of expression raised by the UN Special Rapporteur

02 October 2009

By Zakariya
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Click here to read the article in Khmer

The [CPP] vice-president of the National Assembly (NA) reacted to the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Cambodia who indicated that
freedom of expression in Cambodia is undermined. The UN Rapporteur’s report was raised by an opposition MP during the third session of the NA.

CPP MP Nguon Nhel, NA vice-president, indicated that the NA cannot accept the statement made by Surya Subedi, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights for the UN Secretary-general in Cambodia, who indicated that freedom of expression in Cambodia is undermined. Mr. Subedi also indicated that critics of the government are charged with disinformation. Nguon Nhel indicated that this issue cannot be discussed on the NA floor.

Nguon Nhel’s reaction took place during the third session of the NA held in the morning of 02 October to discuss and approve the draft Penal Law. During the discussion, SRP MP Yim Sovann proposed to the NA to remove an article out of the Penal Law that involves defamation and insult, and to include these issues in a new draft law, or to the Civil Law, based on the statement made by Mr. Surya Subedi.

[In response,] Nguon Nhel criticized the UN, saying that: “During the Pol Pot regime, all types of freedoms were taken away. At that time, we did not have any human rights organizations or the UN paying attention on the death of the 2-3 million people at all, but to the contrary, Pol Pot sat at the UN seat.”

CPP MP Cheam Yeap also indicated that the NA wants the new Penal Law to follow the current events, according to the evolution of mankind, but the NA cannot discuss an issue raised by a foreigner during its debate.

Yim Sovann replied that what the UN Special Rapporteur reported involves the current situation that is taking place in the Cambodian society. “With the aim of building a society where its people are afraid of giving their opinion, if there is a tightening of the freedom of expression rights then this means that we are preventing the people from participating in the edification of the society,” Yim Sovann said.

Mr. Surya Subedi recently indicated that he is concerned about the freedom of expression in Cambodia being undermined because critics of the government and critics of high-ranking government officials are charged with disinformation and defamation and they are sent to jail by the court. This situation actually happens to two Cambodian reporters and one opposition MP.

Furthermore, on 30 September, Ny San, the Cham community leader in Kampong Yaul village, Borey Chulsa district, Takeo province, was arrested and sent to jail after he was accused of disinformation following his dispute with a religious leader in his community.

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